Spray Paint Can 8oz Mockup

Spray Paint Can 8oz PSD Mockup

CAN036 is an above shot of a spray can at 45°. This PSD Mockup applies your sketch or final design onto this proxy representation of a 213g (8oz) spray can. Once completed, the final render contains a basic set of highlights, shadows and sample plastic cap layer for further customization. The label design is made to simulate a stripe of printed sticky paper wrapped around the can, hiding or removing this layer will reveal the steel surface beneath the label. The plastic cap however is a permanent fixture, hiding the cap will not reveal the familiar red spray nozzle. This PSD Mockups is a great proxy for a paint spray can but can be useful for other products that share the same packaging such as hairspray, shaving cream or possibly liquid cheese…

File Type: PSD
Free Download Spray Paint Can 8oz Mockup


To use these mockup template you need Adobe Photoshop!

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